Mesin Risografh printing mesin risografh mesin ini adalah mesin yang paling paling praktis untuk digunakan diberbagai perkantoran, maupun instansi yang membutuhkan jasa percetakan secara cepat dan ekonomis. selain bentuk yang praktis dan mudah ditempatkan diberbagi sudut ruangan perkantoran mesin ini juga menghemat listrik. mungkin type mesin riso ini adalah type yang anda sedang cari silahkan baca dibawah ini : Type mesin RISO EZ 570 PC connectivity RISO EZ5 series printers offer you three ways to connect to a PC. The built-in USB 2.0 port gives simple single-cable connection. An optional network card lets you put EZ5 series printers on your network, and the optional IS300 controller gives compatibility with Adobe PostScript 3. USB flash print Even if your PC is not connected to the printer, you can still print directly from your data file. Simply save the file to a USB flash drive, connect the drive to the printer via the built-in USB port, and you're ready to print. Intelligent flat bed scanner Flat bed scanner gives fast, convenient scanning of bound originals up to A3 size without breaking them apart. There's even a function to intelligently remove the gray background color frequently found when scanning newspapers and the like. Expanded paper weight capacity A wide range of paper weight compatibility - from 46g/m² to 210g/m² - lets you meet virtually any printing requirement. And if you need even heavier weights, the optional card feed kit offers handling of card stock up to 400g/m².